Sheet Music and Transcription
Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions Book - Double Bass Audition Music
Hal Leonard
only $27.95Excerpts from the Operatic and Concert RepertoireThis is a wonderful collection of orchestral audition pieces, perfectly suited for students and classical players, whether you are auditioning for college, a select orchestra, or your local community...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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Bass Standards - Note-for-Note Transcriptions of Classic Jazz Performances (Book)
Hal Leonard
only $22.99Bass StandardsNote-for-Note Transcriptions of Jazz Bass Classic PerformancesWhat more can you say? Accurate, note-for-note transcriptions of 17 of the finest improvised jazz bass performances ever recorded - from a veritable "who's who" of jazz upright...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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The Real Book, Volume I (Bass Clef Edition)
Hal Leonard
only $32.50What's a real book?It's a book containing the sheet music for hundreds of popular jazz "standards", in a very concise format. It's done this way for easy sight-reading - as well as to allow room for so many songs in a single book! So, rather than full...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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only $32.50 -
Dragonetti: 12 Waltzes for Double Bass Solo
Hal Leonard
only $14.95We have uncovered a true delight for double bass players: a collection of twelve stylized waltzes by Beethoven's contemporary Domenico Dragonetti. The “Paganini of the double bass” grew up in Venice, but moved to London as an adult. It is...- Small Item:
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only $14.95 -
Double Bass Sight Reading - A Fresh Approach
Hal Leonard
only $19.99This 104 page book is very comprehensive; Authors John Kember and David Stark have put together a huge collection of pieces to engage the player to develop one's sight-reading skills. The book features 195 carefully-graded sight-reading pieces and...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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Franz Simandl - 30 Etudes with 4 Accompaniment Tracks
Hal Leonard
only $39.98If you ask, I will always suggest that you start your upright bass adventures by studying with an experienced and schooled teacher. The "Simandl Method" is a very common and well-respected methodology for learning the instrument (with a teacher), and the...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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only $39.98 -
Music for Double Bass & Piano - Sheet Music w/ Piano Accompaniment Audio Tracks
Hal Leonard
only $14.99Beginning to Intermediate Bass SolosMusic for Double Bass & PianoMusic Minus One series, with accompaniment tracksImprove your confidence and learn some new music; or practice with your own accompanist. These lovely, short pieces can be used for...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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Ray Brown – Legendary Jazz Bassist - Transcription Book
Hal Leonard
only $18.49Transcriptions with Notes and MoreA tribute to Ray Brown including 18 transcriptions of the jazz great's classic performances, including special performance notes, photos, and a foreword by contemporary jazz virtuoso Christian McBride.Brown is well-known...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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only $18.49 -
Twenty-One Studies: Stories for Solo Double Bass
Hal Leonard
only $11.99Twenty-One Studies: Stories for Solo Double Bass[Etiudowe oczko: Opowiesci na kontrabas solo]This book - in both English and Polish - features 21 Etudes for double bass, by Ryszard Kusek. The difficulty level of the etudes is fairly easy, as these etudes...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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Russian Double Bass Album - Double Bass Solos
Hal Leonard
only $20.99For the advanced bassist, this set of eight solo bass pieces provides a curated collection of the most beautiful Russian pieces for double bass and piano. Including pieces by Tchaikovsky, Glière, Koussevitzky, and Schillinger, this collection...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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Bach for the Young Bass Player
Hal Leonard
only $9.99This collection contains 12 selections (from the Notebook of Anna Magdalena Bach, French Suites Nos. 2 & 4, and Six Little Preludes), transcribed by Frederick Zimmermann for double bass with piano accompaniment. Features a separate...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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Best of Double Bass Classics - 16 Famous Concert Pieces
Hal Leonard
only $29.99This comprehensive volume contains well-known original works and transcriptions from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods by Bottesini, Capuzzi, Dragonetti, Eccles, Fauré, Koussevitzky, Lulier, Saint-Saëns, Simandl, Sperger and others...- FREE US SHIPPING:
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only $29.99