
Bass Gear Buyer's Guides

What's a Buyer's Guide?

Simply, these buyer's guides are us trying to help you to get the right thing the first time. If you're shopping for a new set of strings, or a new electronic device, and you're finding that you can't really evaluate some of its more subjective qualities from a picture and a description -- a description that you find, verbatim, on almost every other e-commerce site you go to,* and that may well have been provided by some dude in a cubicle in the marketing department of a large manufacturer -- then maybe our guides can be of help.

(Wow, that last sentence was long.)

Maybe you're new to upright bass altogether, and have questions that you don't even know how to ask. Or perhaps you're considering trying a bow for the first time. You might need a little hand-holding to help you navigate the often-confusing terms and features of various bass-related toys.

Yeah, our product descriptions are different. We write our own content here, and it's based on us actually using the stuff we're trying to show you. And we're not trying to convince you to buy it if it isn't the right thing for you. We hope you get that.

But if you don't know where to start, a large list of over 80 different string sets (for instance) can be a little daunting. Or if you don't know which bow you should be looking at, you might (understandably) be overwhelmed with all of the choices.

That's what our buyer's guides are for... help you figure all of that out. We hope they help, and we're always happy to update them if you have some suggestions. Pass 'em on!

And, as always, if you have questions not answered here, or need further help, we're always happy to give you the guidance you need. Call us or email us with your questions!


* Don't worry, we forgive you for seeing other stores. You're here now, aren't you?