
Black (Tungsten) Tapewound Upright Bass Strings

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  • Black (Tungsten) Tapewound Upright Bass Strings, standard package
  • Black (Tungsten) Tapewound Upright Bass Strings, black and white wound
only $187.00

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We've carried the white Eurosonic strings for close to 20 years, and they are a favorite for pizzicato styles where a durable string with a gut-like vibe was needed. The white tapewound are particularly well-suited for aggressive bluegrass, rockabilly and slap-style play. They are a "fat" string, with a thicker diameter than most common steel-wound strings.

Includes our exclusive Gollihur Music tipsheet to get the most out of your purchaseThis newer black tapewound variant has the same steel core, but with a tungsten blend which has a higher mass, and results in a slightly smaller diameter. The strings have a darker-than-average sound and nice punch to their tone. You might find that it fits better into old-school jazz contexts - the music from a time when gut strings ruled - and the playability is very good, with a light, flexible feel. Middling sustain - not too "ringy," not too dead - and a clarity that helps the tone cut through the mix makes them an excellent choice for big bands, trios, quartets and more.

Like the regular white tape Eurosonics, these strings will work with a magnetic pickup. And they can be used for slap as well.

Gauges    G - .068" 1.72mm   D - .080" 2.03mm    A - .097" 2.46mm     E - .113" 2.87mm


These strings are not arco-friendly. If you HAVE to bow them, we recommend that you gently scuff the bowing area with fine sandpaper, emery cloth, or very fine steel wool. To ease adhesion, you can apply rosin directly on the strings. You may need to experiment with a different grade/viscosity of rosin than you normally use, as well. Ultimately, these strings are tough to bow, but it can be done if you're resourceful.

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1 Review

  • 2

    String integrity?

    Posted by Rebecca Wildman on Aug 23rd 2022

    First off, I love Gollihur! These strings, not so much anymore. I ordered them May 14th 2021 and they were installed not much after that but the strings didn't even last me a year before the D broke. It unraveled at the bridge. And you might think there's something wrong with the bridge, but we made sure it was sanded and smooth before we installed the next set that I purchased Jun 17th 2022. I tried the same strings again because I thought it might have been a fluke with the first set, but we could already see some unraveling starting again on the A and E strings, again at the bridge, and I hadn't even played them yet. Out of necessity I had to play the strings due to upcoming gigs and lack of more money. It's just quite unusual the strings are unwinding like this, I've never seen that before. I won't buy them again. I did like them for the pizzicato feel, and they were decent for slapping, and they work nicely with my Krivo magnetic pickup. But my search for the perfect strings continues...

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