Evah Pirazzi SOLO TUNING Upright Bass Strings
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The Evah Pirazzi BASS strings created quite a stir and a lot of demand when they were released in 2007. They have a core made from a new synthetic fiber that Pirastro recently developed, wound with a polished chrome steel. Their sound has some similarity to Pirastro's popular Obligato strings, but they also have marked differences. They have generally less sustain than most metal-core strings; their damping is such that their sustain is middling, but isn't overdone or "electric-bassy" sounding; the decay fades quicker than that of most steel strings. Plucked, they sound full and fat, with a strong, solid fundamental and very good projection. Most notable is a subtle percussive "ping" to the front attack of the note, when playing pizzicato (with fingers), that provides a nice touch of articulation to an otherwise warm, dark tone. This unique and interesting characteristic sets the Evahs apart as an all-around good choice for a variety of styles, particularly if you like the "old school" sound -- yet with something "new" thrown in.
The balance from string to string is good, and arco response is warm and full-bodied. With their big sound, they can practically shake the room when you bow a low E -- very satisfying! They have plenty of "grab" for the bow and that "just right" tone for arco: full and complex, not scratchy at all.
Sticking to a comparison to the Obligatos, they're also a different feel; they have a beefier tension, with less "roll" (lateral twisting when you're playing, particularly pizz). However, most players report that the "tightness" or "stiffness" is reduced as the strings break in - sonically, they also seem to require some "break-in" to really start to bloom, and even begin to growl a bit better once you've been playing on them for a couple weeks.
This Solo Tuning Set is designed to be played with a tuning one whole step up (F#/B/E/A), but can be tuned to standard pitch as an alternative (making them slightly lighter still, compared to the weich set.)
Color Code
- At the tailpiece end:
- All Strings: black spiral on light green
- At the peg end:
- Solo: A1 Solo – light gray; E2 Solo – light green; H3B Solo – light yellow; FIS4 Solo – light blue; C high Solo – violet; CIS5 – light violet
4/4 bass? Pirastro designs these 3/4 size bass strings to fit on a standard 3/4 size bass and most 4/4 basses. They may very well fit your bass if it is larger than 3/4. For your reference, the length of a representative string, as measured against the bass tailpiece to the nut is 55.5 inches (51.5" playable, 4" for silk-wrapped afterlength), plus an additional silk-wrapped 11.75 inches to handle stringing in the pegbox.