Getting Stuff We "Don't Have"

Getting Stuff We "Don't Have"

We've been supplying upright bass essentials to our customers (and friends) worldwide for 24 (!) years now. We've made lots of connections with manufacturers, distributors, and other industry people, and we actually have access to lots of stuff that we don't put on the website, simply because a lot of it doesn't really fit our "niche" as an upright specialist.

But that doesn't mean I can't supply some of those other products for you.

Maybe you're interested in a violin or a cello for yourself, or someone in your family? Or a case, or a bow or other accessory for one of those instruments? I work with several stringed instrument companies, and they all can provide other instruments besides basses. That's easy!

But even outside the orchestral strings family, we have worked with Dean to get the (now discontinued) Dean Pace Contra Electric Upright Bass. Through that connection, I can get pretty much any Dean Acoustic or Electric Bass or Guitar. Have you been eyeing one of those crazy Rhapsody 12-string basses? Perhaps you'd like to get yourself a lovely Acoustic Bass Guitar? I can get one for you.

It goes deeper, too - the Dean company also encompasses Luna Guitars (and other Acoustic Instruments), as well as ddrum electric and acoustic drums. Want a ukelele for your kid? How about a drum set for your practice room? I can hook you up.

Another example: I have a dealership with Radial Engineering, who makes a LOT more than just the few preamps I list on the site - they have tons of useful audio tools for stage and studio that aren't necessarily bass-related. They can be easily ordered for you. Through them, I can also get acoustic treatment products from Primacoustic for your practice room or home studio. We even used some of their products in our new office!

Fishman also makes a bunch of really cool stuff for guitars, both acoustic and electric. Their Fluence Pickups for electric guitar are outstanding, and they've long been known for their various acoustic guitar pickups and tools.

Those are just a few quick examples; I can get just about any product from most of my other manufacturers as well. So if you're looking to get some "non-upright" musical gear, and would like to deal with someone you've dealt with before, give me a call - I'll see what I can do. And if there is an upright-bass specific item that we really should be carrying (but aren't), let me know about that for sure!

Sep 29th 2021 Mark
